for those who slightly understand freud.
so, as freud states in his
interpretation of dreams, dreams are the royal road to the unconscious. they are a subconscious key to our unconscious desires. they are distorted and loaded visions of what we truly want in life. we get into the latent and manifestation of dreams and such and blah, blah blah, bottom line is, frankly i don't understand my dreams and most certainly the one i had last night.
so to begin with my literal manifestation of the dream, here is what i recall.
it began in a movie theatre. very much like a movie. except i dont recall any of the movie but for its end. it was themed in a jurassic park-esk tone. except on a ride. ride-like form, if you will. so in the end of this dream movie, there was a tyrannasaurus rex. a fairly large one [abiding by my freudian manifestation], and we were moving along a set path.
only in our frontal plane [being it a ride] and myself and another person [i have no idea who] were stuck on a riding cart with this tyrannasaurus rex. think of joseph mazzello and ariana richards in the car with the glass in jurassic park.
then, this undisclosed partner of mine and myself began to remove the outer skin of the t-rex's skull [as such can be seen in hannibal]. thus, we expose his brain.
all the while, i am thinking that the second cart, full of my rescue party, is not arriving fast enough to help us de-scalp the kicking and screaming t-rex we have in our mine cart.
finally, the second cart arrives [mostly out of no where] and with our forces combined, we throw the t-rex onto the african soil surrounding us and cover him in dead grass.
following this, the camera angle [now my view of the dream] pans over city tops in new york city where there are album covers and cds piled on top of the buildings and i think "in tennessee, people would certainly steal those off the building tops."
as the camera continues to pan out, my point of view comes into seeing this on a television in front of me. i am surrounded by my friends who i assume to be amanda, audrey, andrea, adam, beth, ben, will rucker and will hooper. i am certain that will hooper is there because as the television screen goes off and the 'video' is over, we are all silent. . . . .
then the silence is broken as will hooper states, "alright. let's go and process this. i suggest we all start with a ballad."
i am really, truly intrigued to find out the latent meaning of this dream.
where, my dearest freud, does your [or my rather] id, ego, and super ego fit into such.