
i'm getting better at opening a banana.

a strangely beautiful morning in knoxville.

i couldnt sleep well last night. the last time i looked at the clock was 3:11. i dont remember exactly falling asleep [which i suppose is how it works] and when my alarm went off this morning [informing me of the crimes committed when and where during the night], i resorted into beckett mode.

i finally got up at 9:17. i pulled on my cardigan and walked in the kitchen. lit my tea candle. turned on itunes. poured my soy milk. put the tea kettle on. toasted my english muffins. fried an egg. fried. fried. buttered it all and sat down to eat.

starir a mig litill alfur
hleypur að mér en hreyfist ekki
ustað - sjalfur

my tea kettle whistled on and on until it ran out of water.

silence is pouring into my life like water into a sinking ship.

1 comment:

way said...

heather, you must know 1st and foremost...i love you. i don't know if a joyful response to this on my part would be retarded, because this is a really sad post. i just really liked how you put lyrics to staralfur on here. i don't know if i've ever shared with you my obsession with sigur ros. well, i just wrote an entire paragraph about it and just deleted it because it would be funny for me to write that much in a blog response. so, im just gonna write a blog entry.