
[dont] fear the reader.

a bit of my cross-country project.
starring frederick the polar bear with chaucer the teddy bear.

onward to discover america more!

the college of an eraser.

i really love being stuck inside my head with my thoughts.


wait. wheres the toast? waiter!

you know that feeling when you suddenly feel [redundancy heather...] that everything is going to be a-okay?

yep, i had that one today.
driving across beale air force base. pass the cows under trees and the wild turkeys. all while listening to the intro of "american girl" by tom petty.

aw shucks. thanks tom.
:she was an american girl:

seem awfully appropriate on a US military installation. ah, zee irony.


oh new post. three months later.

im certain i can find something really easy [too easy] to rhyme with later.
but more on that...[wait for it]...later. ha pun.

seventh day in california. beautiful and hot here. turkeys. gophers. mysterious breaking glass [i think it was a gopher]. musical crickets i swear. and wildfires around PAVE PAWS.
everything one would want california to be.

and im blogging at 5 am because i just woke up nauseated. but boy am i glad i woke up.
they say that the average person [dont know whether im above, equal to, or below] swallows seven spiders in their lifetime.
i just woke up to meet what i believe is number three.

i named him sinclair.