
garbanzo beans are delicious.

my mind is racing but my body is so weary right now. i am contemplating dropping a class. i am contemplating dropping my costuming class. i dont know why, but i think it might be better.

i was driving home from the library this morning at 3 am [3 hours ago as it is currently 5:54 here in beautiful knoxville] and i was just overwhelmed with emotion. i think most of it stemmed from the fact that mark text messaged me tonight. i think his message was the icing on the cake. my friends astound me. every last single one of them. people in general astound me. i am constantly grateful for the goodness of people. i absolutely love people. in the past week i have certainly seen what john meant. i have been extremely well-loved by others and i am very grateful.
i want to type out every name and a personalized thank you to each and every one, and i think will when the time comes [the time that is not filled with papers and costuming deadlines and readings and plays and more plays and continually more plays].

i just want everyone to know that i am beyond thankful. beyond words for the gratitude of my friends. each and every one of you are beautiful and fantastic. even in the mess of this world and the muck of our lives, you all are constantly beautiful.


way said...


yea, you're great too.

clint said...

This reminded me (and I'm about to go comic book nerd on you) of the last scene in Batman Begins where Gordon tells Batman that he never said thank you and Batman responds "and you'll never have to." We still say it, because its thoughtful and we do want our friends to know, but the wonderful thing about our friends is that they tend to already know before we say it. We never do these things to hear "thank you," but because we really love each other. Thats the best "thanks" I can think of.

benjamin said...

i miss you, heather.